Astrophysicist Sir James Jean (1937):
I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe... In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.
A primary feature of the Universe is entropy, the movement of energy across a gradient, from a higher order of energy, beginning with The Big Bang, the primordial explosion that marks the genesis of the Universe, to a lower order of energy, until all energetic movement ceases, as in the cold of interstellar space. The emergent qualities of the Universe, derived from the quantum energy of electrical reactions moving across a gradient, most closely resembles a Thought, an emergent quality arising from quantum energy transfer across a gradient located in the brain. Life harnesses the energy gradient inherent in entropy and creates order out of decay.
Thought is an electrochemical event located in the time and space of the human brain.
1. The mind consists of:
A. The conscious mind (where “I” live)
B. The subconscious mind (the emotional mind)
C. The unconscious mind (instinct) (“reptile mind”).
2. Conscious memory consists of:
A. The actual event generating electrochemical activity in the brain.
B. The presentation of this electrochemical event for storage.
C. The storage of the electrochemical event.
D. The retrieval and expression of the electro-chemical event (remembering).
I believe one can divide human mental activity into "genetic thought" and "conscious thought". In a study of permanently vegetative patients, total brain glucose metabolism was less than half that of conscious normals. This implies that the brain stem (reptile brain) uses about half the total energy consumption of the brain for genetically determined housekeeping functions.
During anesthesia, brain glucose consumption falls 20%. This resembles the glucose consumption fall of 25% during sleep. These results imply that subconscious thought consumes 25-35% of total glucose consumption.
A fourth study found a 16% increase in global glucose consumption over baseline in test subjects awake during the performance of a voluntary, conscious sensory-motor task. The baseline was determined by test subjects sitting quietly in a room while blindfolded and hearing impaired, but not asleep.
Taken together, these studies suggest that genetic thought, or unconscious and subconscious brain metabolism, comprises 75-85% of the total, with conscious thought consuming up to an additional 20% when needed.
In a paper published in 1984, (Nature, Vol. 312, #8, p. 101) Sir Francis Crick,
knighted for co-discovering the structure of DNA, speculated that memories
might be coded and stored on DNA. If so, the storage of the
electrochemical event (C, above) may occur on the DNA of neuronal memory
cells. Recent research suggests a population of neuronal cells that store memories are called engram cells. Memory-related enzymes may modify DNA control regions with
200 different chemical signals, including methyl groups, to store the pattern
of electrochemical activity. Following the retrieval signal (D, above), the
altered control regions then regulate the transcription of this information through
messenger RNA. Memory proteins are then
15% of the DNA of a fertilized ovum regulates the expression of “humanness”. In other words, all of
the information necessary to synthesize and fold proteins into the shape of a
human being is present in less than 15% of the DNA of a single fertilized ovum.
understanding of DNA considers the remaining 85% of DNA as “nonsense”, in that no researcher can demonstrate
a specific use for 85% of non-coding DNA.
A single strand of human DNA is comprised of 3,000,000,000 base pairs. 200 different chemical signals can modify these base pairs, changing the electrochemical information stored in the DNA. Thus, the total number of possible combinations of a single strand of DNA is 3,000,000,000200. By comparison, the total number of atoms in the known Universe is about 10⁸⁰. If all the information in a single human DNA molecule were in book form, it would fill a phone book the height of the
Extrapolating from these numbers, the storage capacity of
the totality of neuronal cells (approximately 86 billion) becomes effectively
infinite throughout a human lifetime. A Bell Lab researcher,
using a measured single nerve conduction rate of 2 bits per second, estimated
that the total possible data generated for a human lifetime
requiring storage by the human brain approximated 125 megabytes of data. Thus,
the theoretical storage capacity of neural DNA far exceeds the actual data
amounts generated during a human lifetime. This may mean that memory
storage neurons comprise only a small portion of the brain.
That we can build chemical thoughts to be transmitted by viruses to change behavior.
This can take the form of either changing present thoughts or altering memories, to influence present or future behavior.
Theoretical possibilities include:
An experimenter places a well-paid, voluntary test subject in a training
scenario. The subject is taught, through audio-visual means, to
experience, and then remember a happy occasion. We can take a positron
emission tomograph of their brain while it stores the memory so that a 3D
computer map will show the exact location of the neurons which store the
memory. After strapping the person into a head restraint, a computer
guides a minuscule laser while it burns a hole in the skull, which allows the
insertion of a miniature needle directly into the location of the memory.
The surgeon then performs a memorectomy by applying suction through the needle,
so that the 5 or 10 neurons of the engram involved are removed and stored.
The experimenter extracts the DNA from the neurons and injects it into a DNA
sequencer. A computer program then stores the DNA code. This allows
another team member to construct a virus containing the stored code,
effectively replicating the thought pattern. The researcher then inserts
the virus into a double-stranded DNA insect virus-like Baculovirus,
encapsulating it in a buckminsterfullerene protein coat, and creates an
infectious agent to transmit the thought. Using aerosol infectivity,
spray can thoughts become possible: “thought graffiti”; Ph.D. in a pill; or
doctor in a can; each becomes feasible. We can either enhance present
capabilities by encoding for additional knowledge or change existing memories
by encoding for “altered history”. We can infect various parts of the
brain with appropriate memories, or change the “state” of the parts.
Thus, encoding a virus to infect the aggressive center of the brain with highly
aggressive thoughts could construct the perfect soldier. Or, using it as
a bio-weapon, you might infect a population to make them hyper-violent, so that
they kill each other.
Or, encoding a virus to infect the pleasure center of the brain, (the opiate
center) and increase the release of endorphins could render drug addiction
meaningless. If everyone were happy, would everyone quit work? Or,
would people only do what they liked, so that overall productivity
increases? Would war end? Is this Soma? It isn’t that people
cannot think about happiness, it’s that they cannot hold that thought.
Create DNA to “hold it” in the happiness center.
Could an alien
civilization construct a virus that contains their intelligence, send it to
Earth, infect the population, and take over humankind?
Could unscrupulous researchers infect the world with a passivity virus, retain
the antidote for themselves, and rule the world?
It is also likely that “intelligence” (the difference between a chimpanzee and a man) is located on DNA.
The neighbor’s dog comes into the yard of a genetic researcher to crap.
He and his chemist friend decide to make a DNA virus to infect the dog’s memory
so it remembers to shit at home. The virus mutates, infects the sinus
emissions of the dog (Law of Unintended Consequences), and becomes highly
contagious. What happens?
Is it God, or is it Man? Is the viral information contained in the
AIDS virus the product of GOD (Buckminster Fuller believed homosexuality to be
God’s response to overcrowding), an accident (a meteorite containing the virus
falls to Earth), or is it Man-made (a genetically engineered RNA that codes for
the disease)?
Profit-Driven Drug
Drug companies collectively spend more than $10 billion per year on
research. This represents less than 10% of pretax profits and earns the
companies a dollar-for-dollar tax credit. In 1975, one such company
discovered a treatment for Retroviruses. However, this family of viruses
primarily infects animals. When the researchers discover that infection
of chimps occurs best in the mucus membranes of the colon, they realize that
human homosexuals represent their ideal host population. They clone the
homosexuality gene (the fruitless gene), infect the population, the number of
homosexuals increases, then they introduce the AIDS virus, a lab creation
containing maximum infectivity combined with delayed lethality to ensure serial
transmission, and thus guarantee sales of their viral treatment.
Teenage Sexuality:
The teenage desire to procreate is genetic in origin (coded on DNA). Once
DNA is altered by events (memories cause methylation changes on DNA) caused by
the genetically driven urge to reproduce (pregnancies, Sexually Transmitted
Diseases, etc.) the person is left calmer, ready for “conscious driven”
The Maturity of
Do teenagers “fall in love” because they infect each other's nervous system with genetic thoughts? “I can’t get her out of my mind”. Does infatuation have a genetic basis? Does swapping spit lead to love blindness? Is a Love Virus possible?
The Black Widow male knows it will be eaten immediately following the sexual
transfer of DNA. The Black Widow female knows she will eat the
male. Thus they both participate in a genetically driven murder-suicide
following procreation: Fatal Attraction.
Create a virally infected aerosol Ecstasy, which infects the aggression center,
causing “other” directed violence. Code the virus so that after x
divisions, using the methyl time clock, it deactivates, making the virus
self-limiting. Then, infect a population in the middle of the Olympic
Village: they sink into anarchy. The biological researchers working for
Saddam Hussein tell him they can create Mr. Hyde in Israel .
Use Sarajevo , Mogadishu ,
and Rwanda as
examples. Or, an international weapons corporation sets up a lab to make
the virus to boost munitions sales to third-world countries. Or,
an international dam construction company pays for the construction of the virus to
get UN money to rebuild dams after anarchy destroys them.
Dr. Frankenstein constructs a thought virus to transmit his memories to the infant he clones of himself...
Robert Bayless
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